Driving the green agenda and the transition to net zero
Celebrating 10 years
Anesco’s incredible journey began in 2010, when the UK’s renewables market was in its infancy. Less than a year after being incorporated, we had constructed the largest solar farm in Dorset.
In September 2014, Anesco made history by connecting the UK’s first utility scale battery storage unit, six months later going on to install the largest optimised solar farm in Europe. And by 2017 we had made history again by constructing the UK’s first subsidy-free solar farm.
Hailed as industry pioneers and with many high-profile projects and industry firsts under our belt, Anesco remains an industry-leader in the field of solar and energy storage.
We have also grown to become one of the largest providers of energy efficiency services under the governments ECO (Energy Company Obligation) scheme.
Anesco continues to develop, design, construct, operate and maintain high performing grid scale solutions, whilst being a trusted partner to large commercial clients and government departments for behind the meter projects.
Recent projects include a 56MW portfolio of three ground mount solar PV projects delivered for Shell New Energies, a division of Shell that invests in new and fast-growing segments of the energy industry
In 2021, on the cusp of a new wave of UK solar and storage investment, Anesco agreed a £100m solar partnership with Gresham House and won contracts to construct a 100MW of battery storage projects for Foresight.
In April 2022, as part of our plans for international expansion we launched Anesco Netherlands, operating from offices in Amsterdam. More recently, Anesco Germany, and the acquisition of renewables specialist, Aeos Energy, has marked a milestone moment in our history and has firmly cemented Anesco’s place in Europe.
Anesco errichtet ein 56 MWp Solarportfolio für Shell in den Niederlanden
Anesco hat für Shell Renewables and Energy Solutions, ein Unternehmen von Shell, das in neue und schnell wachsende Segmente der Energiebranche investiert, ein Trio von Solarparks in den Niederlanden mit Strom versorgt.
Anesco erhält grünes Licht für ein 56MWp Solarparkportfolio in den Niederlanden
Anesco hat die Planungsgenehmigung für ein Trio von Solarparks in Großbritannien erhalten, da die Nachfrage der Investoren nach groß angelegten Solar- und Speicherprojekten weiter steigt. Der Bau des ersten Solarparks High Meadow 2, einer 10-MW…..
Anesco baut und wartet 100-MW-Batteriespeicher für JLEN und Foresight Solar Fund Limited (FSFL)
Anesco hat von der Foresight Group im Auftrag der JLEN- und FSFL-Fonds Aufträge für den Bau und die laufende Wartung von zwei Batteriespeicheranlagen mit einer Gesamtkapazität von 100 MW erhalten…