ATMA Guidance V.05 Remote Inspections

ATMA Guidance V.05 Remote Inspections

Further to the latest Government update, Anesco is providing information on the current position regarding Technical Monitoring (TMA) given the COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of remote monitoring. For the foreseeable future all TMA’s will be conducting...
The changing shape of Anesco

The changing shape of Anesco

By Mark Futyan, Anesco CEO 2020 will go down in history as the year that coronavirus impacted upon all our lives. Here at Anesco – as in companies of all shapes and sizes across the world – we have needed to quickly adapt to new ways of working and I’m proud of...
What is the future of battery storage in the UK?

What is the future of battery storage in the UK?

By Mark Futyan, CEO Anesco I was delighted to take part in an expert panel discussion recently, exploring the ‘coming of age’ of energy storage in the UK and in particular, what the key challenges and opportunities are and how the market is expected to evolve moving...
Duplicate photos

Duplicate photos

Duplicate photos for any measure are unacceptable and will often result in an Ofgem investigation. We have brought this to the attention of our installers as the risk to Anesco is far too high as it puts the quick payment terms at risk. Any cropped and manipulated...