How to improve workplace lighting and reduce energy consumption
Lighting is one of the single biggest energy expenses that a business will face. According to the Carbon Trust, lighting accounts for around 20% of the electricity used in the UK...
Making ESOS work for you – reducing energy costs when you’re a large business
Business and industry accounts for approximately 25% of the UK’s carbon emissions and this has led the government to introduce a range of policies and levies. Among such...
What is demand response and how can it benefit businesses?
‘Keeping the lights on’ in the UK is a significant challenge and with energy use on the rise, finding innovative solutions to help balance supply and demand remains a top...
What does taking action ‘behind the meter’ mean?
Businesses across the UK continue to feel the pressure of spiralling energy costs and are increasingly looking at ways to reduce their expenditure. As well as taking steps to...
Clean Growth Strategy: Anesco welcomes positive developments
The Government today launched its highly anticipated Clean Growth Strategy. The 165-page document sets out proposals for decarbonising all sectors of the UK economy and explains...
Anesco wins industry award for subsidy-free solar model
Anesco’s Clayhill solar farm, which was the first solar farm in the UK to be developed free from government subsidy, has been recognised with a prestigious industry award. The...