Sir Richard Branson presents Anesco with award for UK’s fastest growing company
Sir Richard Branson has presented national energy efficiency solutions company, Anesco, with the fastest growing company award for 2013 in the prestigious Sunday Times Virgin...
Landlords urged to act fast over new Green Deal funding
A new fund being launched by the Government to kick-start its flagship Green Deal scheme, presents a huge financial opportunity for social and private landlords, but only for...
Anesco awarded second BVCA award
National energy efficiency solutions company Anesco has been named venture capital backed management team of the year for the south east region, for the second year running. The...
Anesco and Ingenious Clean Energy power up new solar farm trio
Anesco has powered up three brand new solar farms in the past four weeks, all of which are set to be acquired by Ingenious Clean Energy Income Plc (“ICE Plc”), a renewable energy...
Anesco appoints energy services director
Anesco has strengthened its senior team with the appointment of management heavy-weight Adrian Barlow (pictured below) as energy services director. Reading-based Anesco works...
Anesco financial director up for industry award
Hedley Mayor, chief financial officer at leading energy efficiency solutions company Anesco, is in the running for a prestigious industry award. Hedley (pictured below) has been...