The Willington Solar Project

Anesco Limited is proposing to develop, construct, and operate a 21MW solar farm on approximately 70 acres of land, located at Newton Lane, Newton Solney, Derbyshire, DE15 0RU.

This development will support the UK governments pledge to end its contribution to global warming by 2050, benefitting the local and wider community now, and for generations to come.

The land at lawn lane is suitable for a solar farm because:

  • It’s close to a viable grid connection
  • Has suitable topography and ground composition
  • Sits away from heritage designations and features
  • Sits outside of any national parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty
  • Sits outside of any sites of special scientific interest
  • Will be set back from residential properties, limiting views for the development within the local areas

Furthermore, it is anticipated that planting and hedgerow re-enforcement will be put in place that will be managed throughout its lifespan.

Pre application advice has already been sought, and given, by South Derbyshire District Council. Alongside this, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening request has been made and determined by the council, resulting in the development not requiring an EIA.

Further detail on the proposed development is set out below

Click here to view the plans

Click here to view maps


We are now seeking views from residents on the proposal! We will be hosting a public consultation in person on the 17th of July, between the hours of 3.15 – 6.45pm within the local village of Newton Solney, at the Main Hall, Newton Solney Village Hall, Newton Solney, Burton-on-Trent, DE15 0SG

This allows you a chance to come and meet us, and to ask any questions you may have.

For more information please email [email protected]


Click here to provide your comments. All comments should be submitted by 26th July 2024.

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Clean green technology

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saving over 4,354 tonnes of Co2 per annum

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powering approximately 7,792 average uk homes

System design details

Total installed capacity


Inverter AC Power


Number of modules



Solar Panels in isolation
Climate change emergency
About solar technology
Biodiversity enhancements

Climate change emergency

In June 2019, the UK government became the first major economy in the world to pass laws to end its contribution to global warming by 2050. What this means is that by this date, the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions will be carbon neutral, creating a better environment now, and for generations to come.

Carbon neutral is about finding a balance between the total greenhouse gas emissions being produced, and the total emissions being removed from the environment. This commitment to becoming carbon neutral is a substantial increase on the UK’s previous target and comes at a time when pressure is building on governments to recognise and take urgent action in light of the climate emergency.

About solar technology

Solar is the most popular renewable technology in the world and is an incredibly clean source of renewable energy. Unlike other renewable technologies, solar panels have no moving parts and therefore operate silently. They are also low in height and can be hidden behind hedgerows or fencing, minimising the visual impact on the landscape.

Biodiversity enhancements

The RSPB ‘State of Nature Report’ highlights the severity of the decline in British wildlife. It details that of the 8,431 species that have been assessed using regional Red List criteria, 15% have been classified as threatened with extinction from Great Britain. Climate change is driving widespread changes in the abundance, distribution, and ecology of the UK’s wildlife, and will continue to do so for decades or even centuries to come.

Solar farms present an excellent opportunity for biodiversity. The proposed solar farm will be installed on piles with minimal disturbance to the ground. The solar panels have no moving parts and the infrastructure typically disturbs less than 5% of the ground. The posts upon which the panels are mounted take up less than 1% of the land area. Because panels are raised above the ground on posts, more than 95% of a solar farm field area is still accessible for plant growth and potentially for wildlife enhancements. The proposed solar farm would have a lifespan of 40 years which is sufficient time for appropriate land management to yield real wildlife and biodiversity improvements within the local area.

A site-specific biodiversity plan will be devised to cover the lifetime of the proposed solar farm, working closely with the ecologists, and conservation organisations to ensure that the biodiversity enhancements are most appropriate to the local area.


What is the proposed timeline of the project?

The connection date for the solar farm is April 2029. We therefore anticipate a full planning application towards the end of July this year (2024). This then leading into construction of the project towards the end of 2027, or beginning of 2028.

How long will it take to construct Willington Solar Project?

The project will take approximately 32-38 weeks to fully construct (including the site set up, and site clearance). A transport assessment and a detailed traffic management plan will be submitted as part of the planning application.

Do solar farms make any noise?

There is hardly any noise emitted from a solar farm. The technology does not use any moving parts and in many cases nature and solar complement each other. Anesco install string inverters on our solar farms to convert DC electricity into AC and these inverters do emit a low humming sound but they are housed in soundproof boxing, so the noise is essentially inaudible.

Do Solar Farms create Glint and Glare?

Solar modules are designed to absorb light rather than reflect it. They pose very little risk of glint and glare and as such solar modules have been installed at Gatwick Airport, along motorways and besides sports car race tracks.

Do solar farms require a lot of maintenance?

No, maintenance is very limited and usually involves 1 visit per month by two operatives who attend site with a van.

How will the electricity generated benefit the local residents?

All the power will be fed directly into the local grid network, however there will also be biodiversity enhancements throughout the site. We have also started discussions with the local parish on how we can work alongside the community on other benefits.

What happens at the end of the 40 year term?

The solar farm will be decommissioned, equipment removed and the site will return to its former state unless there is a possibility of further extending the term with the local planning authority, which would be determined in the future.


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