Fetteresso Energy Storage Project
Anesco Limited is proposing to develop, construct, and operate a Grid Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Facility (up to 50MW) with associated development on Land at the Waters, Glenbervie, Stonehaven, AB39 3YR / AB39 3UY.
This development will support the UK governments pledge to end its contribution to global warming by 2050, benefitting the local and wider community now, and for generations to come.
The Land at the Waters was selected as a site suitable for BESS development because:
- It is close to a viable grid connection at Fetteresso substation;
- Has suitable topography and ground composition;
- There are no natural heritage designations on the site;
- The site is located away from Listed Buildings or other built heritage assets;
- The site sits outside of any Conservation Areas.
Furthermore, the project is set back from the main road, and away from dwellings, so landscape and visual impact is anticipated to be very low. Further screen / woodland planting and hedgerow re-enforcement will be put in place that will be managed throughout its lifespan.
Pre-Application Advice has been sought and received from Aberdeenshire Council. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Request was also submitted, and Aberdeenshire Council have confirmed an EIA is not required.
Further detail on the proposed development is set out below
Click here to view the plans
Click here to view maps
We held our first public consultation event on 29th January and are now hosting two further events to provide information about the project and respond to queries raised at the first event. This includes an event at Drumlithie which we have arranged following feedback received from the local community.
These two events will both be held simultaneously on Thursday 6th March between 13:00 and 19:00 in:
– Auchenblae Village Hall, 1 Monboddo Street, Auchenblae, AB30 1XQ; and
– Drumlithie Bowling Club, Station Road, Drumlithie, Stonehaven, AB39 3YT
Members of the project team will be in attendance at both events to answer questions and take feedback about the proposed development.
For more information please email [email protected]
If you are a local resident to this proposed development, please click the link below to our Feedback form:
This is your opportunity to provide your thoughts and any suggestions you may have for us. Alternatively please email the following address to share additional feedback:
Please provide any comments by 20th March 2025

Clean green technology


powering approximately 13,052 average uk homes
System design details
Total installed capacity: 130.39MWh
Batteries: Titan 2- Power Generating Facility registered capacity 50MW
Transformers: 1 x 33KV

Climate change emergency
In June 2019, the UK government became the first major economy in the world to pass laws to end its contribution to global warming by 2050. What this means is that by this date, the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions will be carbon neutral, creating a better environment now, and for generations to come.
Carbon neutral is about finding a balance between the total greenhouse gas emissions being produced, and the total emissions being removed from the environment. This commitment to becoming carbon neutral is a substantial increase on the UK’s previous target and comes at a time when pressure is building on governments to recognise and take urgent action in light of the climate emergency.
About battery technology
Battery energy storage systems have become an essential ingredient in how the UK manages and stores electricity, in particular renewable energy. An advanced green technology, they store and release electricity into the grid as required, offering energy security.
National Grid has developed a scheme, Dynamic Frequency Response, to maintain stable frequency levels thereby ensuring the electricity grid is more resistant to disruption and heavy demand at peak times. Examples of this could be in the mornings and evenings, when a power station goes off-line, or an energy intensive industry ‘comes on’. In these situations, batteries discharge the stored electricity to the grid, balancing the frequency and maintaining grid stability. Battery storage is becoming vital in ‘peak load shifting’, providing National Grid with a solution to balancing the supply and demand for electricity.
Biodiversity enhancements
The RSPB ‘State of Nature Report’ highlights the severity of the decline in British wildlife. One of the biggest causes for the decline of biodiversity according to the report is the loss of hedgerows.
A full landscape and visual impact assessment will be completed, and Anesco will ensure that the land is planned for carefully and maintained over the life of the development. Hedgerows will be planted to not only screen the energy storage containers but encourage more wildlife and contribute towards national biodiversity targets.
Anesco will produce a site-specific biodiversity plan devised to cover the lifetime of the proposed site, working closely with the local community, ecologists, and conservation organisations to ensure that the biodiversity enhancements are most appropriate to the local area.
How long will it take to construct the BESS project?
Construction Period 36-40 weeks (Daily 4 Lorry Vehicles) Following construction there will be x2 vehicles a day on two occasions each month for operational purposes.
Does battery storage make any noise?
Only the cooling system of the ESS generates any noise, an emission of less than 66db at 1m from the unit. The noise dissipates rapidly from source and should not be audible outside of the field boundary. The development undergoes a noise assessment to ensure any noise made is below the ambient noise of its surroundings particularly during the quiet night-time period.
Is battery technology safe?
The Lithium-Iron Phosphate battery modules – a well-established battery technology found in a huge range of electrical devices – are in sealed containerised units which are safe to use, providing long life.
How will the site be accessed?
Access will be from the East of the development site.
Does battery storage require a lot of maintenance?
Anesco have grown to become one of the largest providers of maintenance for renewable assets in the UK and our specialist service currently manages over 21,500 systems. Anesco would monitor and maintain the site for the lifetime of the project with under contractual obligations. Once operational, there will be a visit by Anesco every 21 days for maintenance/survey purposes.
What happens at the end of the 40 year term?
The proposed development would be a temporary structure for a duration of 40 years after which the site would be returned to its current condition with all equipment removed.

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