A new fund being launched by the Government to kick-start its flagship Green Deal scheme, presents a huge financial opportunity for social and private landlords, but only for those who act fast, claims a leading energy efficiency expert.
For local authorities and housing associations, many of whom continue to face tough financial pressures, the fund could generate savings running into the hundreds of thousands of pounds, according to Adrian Pike, CEO of Anesco (pictured left).
The Green Deal Home Improvement Fund (GDHIF) will be available from early June and offer a range of generous incentives, up to a total value of £7,600 per property where certain energy saving home improvements are made. Up to £120m will be made available through the fund this financial year.
Adrian Pike said: “Having worked closely with local authorities and housing associations for many years we know that improving their housing stock and tackling fuel poverty remains a top priority. But with budgets tight tough choices often have to be made.
“The new fund is a very attractive offer, as it brings substantial financial incentives while generating both short and long term benefits. As it can only be delivered through carefully vetted and approved providers and installers, the quality of workmanship and standard of delivery is also protected. But landlords need to act fast to explore their options, as the fund is limited and interest is expected to be high.”
Under the GDHIF, householders will have a choice of 2 core offers; up to £6000 for installing solid wall insulation and up to £1000 for installing two measures from a specified list. Householders will be able to claim both elements should their property be suitable.
In addition they will be able to claim a refund of up to £100 for their Green Deal Assessment Report and a homebuyers’ bonus of up to £500 if they have moved home in the 12 months prior to application. This means up to £7,600 in incentives, covering a range of 13 energy efficiency improvements, including solid wall insulation, new heating systems and glazing.
Anesco works with businesses, local authorities, housing associations and homeowners looking to reduce their carbon emissions. It was one of the first companies to be approved by the government as a Green Deal provider. Anesco is register to offer and carry out work under the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund.
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