ATMA has released the attached clarification and guidance for the industry relating to the provision of a Minor Works Electrical Installation Certificate (MWEIC) and the need for Protective Electrical Bonding (PEB) to be completed on a gas boiler installation.
 Minor Electrical Works Certificate (MEIWC)
Is a Minor Electrical Works Certificate (MEIWC) required on an ECO 3 Gas boiler replacement or new installation?
ATMA position: Â A Minor Electrical Works Certificate is required on every occasion for ECO installation work for gas and electrical installations. This should follow the model format in Appendix 6 of the BS7671. A MEIWC is the lowest form of acceptable certificate and if they wish, an installer could provide a full Electrical Installation Certificate instead (EIC).
Protective Equipotential Bonding (PEB)
Protective Equipotential Bonding (PEB) to water pipes, gas pipes and other installation pipework and exposed metallic structural parts of the building.
Where this is inadequate, is it the installers responsibility to upgrade to meet the requirements? Or, just to notify the person ordering the work of the inadequacy.
ATMA position: Any gas installations under ECO require the correct Protective Equipotential Bonding to be in place as outlined in BS7671 OR are accompanied by appropriate testing documentation by a competent person which either proves that PEB is present (particularly where it’s presence is claimed but it is not visible) OR is not required.
For the avoidance of doubt, this includes a requirement to complete bonding at the appliance where the incoming supply pipe is plastic, unless it can be proven that the metallic pipework inside the house is not introducing earth potential and this is covered in the testing documentation.
Please read the attached guide carefully and ensure that all future installations comply with this latest guidance. You must review any outstanding challenges you may have and progress them appropriately.
(Released 9th June 2020)