There has been an increase in failures relating to measures for boiler and heating controls. In particular against the following question:
HSNB.2: Has the boiler been installed as per manufacturer’s instructions and other guidance?
NB.1: Where pipework has either been replaced, exposed or made accessible as part of the work within an unheated space within the building envelope, has this been insulated?
NB.2:Â If holes or openings have been made through the fabric of the premises due to the installation of a new boiler, have they been made good? (including condensate pipe, pressure relief valve, gas flue terminals).
NB.6:Â Do the heating controls installed encompass a programmer, thermostat and TRVs to all radiators except those in the room with the thermostat?
To assist you we have listed below typical common failures, which we would request that you share amongst your installer base:
•   Condensate pipe not increased to 32mm – the condensate pipe must be increased to 32mm before exiting the external wall of the property if terminating externally.
•   Condensate pipe not insulated / fully insulated with outdoor use waterproof material (Class O)
•   PRV not returned to wall / not sealed internally or externally
•   Condense hole not sealed internally or externally – Any openings that have been made through the fabric of the premises need to be fully sealed (including condensate pipe, pressure relief valve, gas flue terminals).
•   TRV not removed from radiator where thermostat is located – A full set of heating controls should include (as a minimum) a timer, a room thermostat and thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) on all radiators outside of the room that contains the thermostat. Alternatively, the requirement can be met with a timer and individual networked radiator controls in each room.
-  TRV’s not fitted to all other radiators – There should always be a full set of functioning heating controls in the property following a boiler installation. The requirement for heating controls is that they should include (as a minimum) a timer, a room thermostat and thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) on all radiators outside of the room that contains the thermostat. Alternatively, the requirement can be met with a timer and individual networked radiator controls in each room. In some cases, it may not be necessary for a TRV to be fitted to a heated towel rail in a bathroom. A suitably qualified operative should determine this on a case by case basis. In such cases, a full set of heating controls can still be claimed subject to all other relevant standards being met.
It is important to adhere to these requirements as failure to do so will result in technical monitoring failures which increases the likelihood of an installer triggering Pathways to Compliance with Ofgem.
If you require further information, please contact your business development manager or the ECO team on 0845 894 4444.
(Released 18th September 2019)