In-wall insulation manufacturers withdrawn from the GDC Hub

The following is important information from GDGC relating to Internal Wall Insulation.

Due to noncompliance of the GDGC Ofgem Quality Assurance Framework for ECO funded installations, GDGC have withdrawn the following Internal Wall Insulation System Manufacturers from the GDGC Registration Hub.

  • Ballytherm Ltd
  • Quinn Therm Limited
  • Saint-Gobain Construction Products UK Limited trading as British Gypsum

This decision means that you will no longer be able to register for SWI Insurance Backed Guarantees where the mentioned System Designers have been installed.

We strongly recommend that you read the following information as it details why this decision has been made and which manufacturers you should now use.

Why are these System Manufacturers being removed from the GDGC Registration Hub?

The following is information published by the GDGC.

Insulation installations that are funded by the ECO scheme must adhere to OFGEM Quality Assurance Frameworks. Part of the GDGC OFGEM Quality Assurance Framework for solid wall insulation (SWI) stipulates that the following must be adhered to in order to qualify to be compliant with the Framework:-

  • The System Manufacturer will carry unannounced spot audits on the systems being installed, checking and verifying that the relevant installation guidelines are being conformed to.
  • All the main system elements for each individual installation must be supplied by the System Manufacturer to ensure it is covered under the System Manufacturer’s material warranties and the installer organisation and System Manufacturer must provide evidence of such to GDGC whenever audited by GDGC or requested to product such evidence.
  • GDGC will require evidence from the System Manufacturer that across the board, a minimum of 1% of all properties installed with their SWI System will be audited and evidence of such and the outcomes notified, on an on-going basis, to GDGC within one month of the audits taking place. The installer must ensure that the System Manufacturer provides the Installer with the results of their audits.
  • The Installer must retain the documentation provided by the System Manufacturer, and provide this to GDGC when requested.
  • The Installer is responsible to ensure that the product installed is supplied with a minimum 25-year manufacturer’s warranty. The Installer organisation is also responsible to ensure that should the manufacturer’s warranty require registering directly with the manufacturer that this has been carried out.
  • The Installer must supply the homeowner with service and maintenance instructions in accordance with the Sytem Manufacturer’s instructions.

As stated in the Framework, ‘failure to obtain or retain the audit results from the System Manufacturer will result with GDGC revoking the supply of the GDGC Insurance Backed Guarantee facility’.

During the GDGC audit checks, we have discovered that the System Manufacturers listed above have not met some or all of the above listed requirements.

Which System Manufacturers should Installers use?

Providing the System Manufacturers can confirm that they comply with our Quality Assurance Framework and provide evidence to support this, we will be happy to supply Insurance Backed Guarantees for their products to our GDGC Accredited Installers.

If you require further information, please contact your business development manager or the ECO team on 0845 894 4444.

(Released 19th March 2019)


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