With regard to landlord permissions, it is important to remember that the Ofgem template and code for landlord’s permission (LMCP) is no longer accepted. Please ensure the PHFD is used for all PRS properties.
The PHFD template can be found on Ofgem’s website, here.
In addition, when you are working with a management company or lettings agent, it is your responsibility to ensure that the property owner, as stated on the Land Registry has given them authority to work on their behalf.
- Where documentary evidence, such as the DOCC and PHFD, is completed by a management company or lettings agent, we request evidence to demonstrate that such authority has been granted
- This may be in the form of a letter from the property owner or agreement between the managing agent and property owner. This document should be uploaded under the code HHEV_b (etc)
 If you require further information on landlord permissions, please contact your business development manager or the ECO team on 0845 894 4444.
(Released 6th August 2019).