Anesco has recently seen a high number of technical monitoring fails for heating controls, particularly for not installing the correct number of TRV’s.
The common failures relate to TRV’s as follows:
•   TRV’s not installed to all radiators in the property excluding the radiator where the room thermostat is situated
•   TRV’s have been installed to all radiators in the property
It is important to note that there should always be a full set of functioning heating controls in the property following a boiler installation. The requirement for heating controls is that they should include (as a minimum) a timer, a room thermostat and TRV’s on all radiators outside of the room that contains the thermostat.
Alternatively, the requirement can be met with a timer and individual networked radiator controls in each room.
In some cases, it may not be necessary for a TRV to be fitted to a heated towel rail in a bathroom. A suitably qualified operative should determine this on a case by case basis. In such cases, a full set of heating controls can still be claimed subject to all other relevant standards being met.
Failures against these questions means the measure is not ECO3 compliant and therefore, unless remediated, will result in claw-back of the measure.
If you require further information, please contact your business development manager or the ECO team on 0845 894 4444.
(Released 23rd January 2020)